Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sweet Surrender

What is better than getting someone out? Getting someone out without any work. Hey, its a tough game, you got to take what you can get...

Dee Oltman, aka "Al Capone"

Who would have thought that this infamous ganster would go down without a fight. Well, it seems that Mr. Capone has given up his mob for a "normal" job and that, my friends, takes time. And with that time gone, he could not keep up with this game. We will miss you Al, you inspired us all.

Kate Onion, aka "Coloradan at Heart"

She may be Texan by birth, but she has a heart for Colorado. Turns out she has a knack for travel too. And traveling is not condusive with Gotcha. She couldn't excel at both and her "heart" won out. Good for you, Kate. Happy Travels. Tell Colorado we all said hello!

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