Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Joe Muck aka "Sida"

It was an extra difficult out for Joe Muck, aka "Sida." You see, Sida, had just gotten back to Austin after being away for the weekend. He just wanted to visit his friendly, fun-loving youth staff. What he had not planned on was that Moxie Crimefighter was up to his/her crime fighting ways. Sida was simply conversing with Robbie Ytterberg in the parking lot at the church. This was mistake number one, because we all know that if they had just had their conversation inside the church, Sida would have been safe. However, Sida made another mistake. Earlier that day he read the Encyclopedia Britannica in the state of Texas (which is most definately against the law, look it up). It was this law breaking that alerted Moxie Crimefighter who feels as if it is his/her responsibility to clean up all these lawbreakers. He/She traced the lawbreaker to the parking lot at Covenant, walked right up to aforementioned lawbreaker and said all there was to say with a squirt of his/her waterbottle. We can all only hope that Sida has learned his lesson thanks to Moxie Crimefighter.

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